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Oxygen valve repair

Oxygen valve repair

High-pressure oxygen valve repair and valve repair as to be more prudent, when the demolition of the oxygen valve repair and maintenance, he must pay attention to the necessary parts to rigorous screening. Oxygen chemical formula: O ₂ physical properties: room temperature, colorless, odorless and tasteless, melting point -218 ℃ (standard conditions) <-218 ℃ blue snowflake-like solid. Reaction of oxygen with the metal: the reaction with potassium: 4K + O ₂ = 2K2O, potassium surface dimming 2K + O ₂ = K2O2; K + O ₂ = KO2 (potassium superoxide), (conditions: light or heat, the two reactions at the same time ) and sodium reaction: 4Na + O ₂ = 2Na2O, darkening the surface of sodium 2Na + O ₂ = Na2O ₂ (conditions: light or heat) to produce yellow flames, emit a lot of heat, generated light yellow powder. The reaction with magnesium; 2Mg + O ₂ = 2MgO (conditions: light), severe burning a dazzling glare, emit a lot of heat, generating a white solid. The reaction with aluminum; 4Al +3 O ₂ = 2Al2O3 (conditions: light), bright light given off more heat, generated a white solid. And iron response; 4Fe +3 O ₂ +2 xH2O = 2Fe2O3 • xH2O, (rust formation) 3Fe +2 O2 = Fe3O4 (conditions: light), red hot wire severe burning, Mars radiance, release a lot of heat, generating a black solid. The reaction with zinc: 2Zn + O ₂ = 2ZnO (conditions: light), and the reaction of copper; 2Cu + O ₂ = 2CuO (conditions: heating), heating the copper wire on the surface of bright red layer of black material. Jiangyin Oulei Si in the oxygen valve repair, particular attention over some of the characteristics of oxygen, the oxygen valve repair further classified according to their different structures as: maintenance of the oxygen valve, oxygen valve maintenance, valve maintenance of oxygen, the oxygen valve maintenance, oxygen valve repair, maintenance and so the oxygen valve oxygen valve repair. After years of Jiangyin Oulei Si oxygen valve repair, valve repair in various types of oxygen have already accumulated rich experience in the oxygen valve repair

                     Oxygen valve repair





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