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Valve Repair
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ADDRESS:Jiangyin City,
Jiangsu Province in Southern Ring No. 660

  Location:Home > Valve Repair > cinder valve repair> Discharging valve repair


Discharging valve repair
Discharging valve repair
Discharging valve repair, also known as rigid impeller feeder star unloader repair or maintenance, the valve is discharging ash removal equipment, air supply and other equipment to feed the main equipment for powder and granule materials like material; Jiangyin City Oulei Si discharging valve sealing requirements based on selection for the single, double, three-tier.
Dumping of ash removal equipment, various types of valve repair is an important component of ash repair process is an important part of ensuring a continuous or intermittent sealing silos and the role of ash; in the high-vacuum electrostatic precipitator hopper to retain a certain high level of gray column sealed with a significant role for environmental protection, metallurgy, chemical, food, food and other industries widely used. Jiangyin Oulei Si will be your great business ash discharge valve repair

Jiangyin oulei sivalve equipment overhaul Ltd. All rights reserved.CopyRight© 2008,All Rights Reseverd.
TEL:0510-86101511 83980322 83980355 FAX:0510-86102522  E-mail: moc.anihcslo@slo
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